Writing Center returns to its roots

Nathan Runja, Staff Writer

Last year, the Writing Center at BPHS was viewed as a place to get away from classes for some students. It was even called a lounge by some. This year though there are some significant changes.

Teachers Mrs. Hipkins, Mr. Jack, and Mr. Youngs have taken the lead to change the Writing Center for the better. But how? Through some interviews with the teachers with themselves, we were able to find out.

When asked how the Writing Center has changed from last year, Mr. Youngs said: “This year we are bringing our center up to what we could call full strength.  With the downturn of the economy nearly a decade ago and state budget cuts, our school lessened the staffing.  Now this year, we have three English teachers running the writing center.  From homeroom through 9th Period students can count on there being at one teacher who is assigned to instruct and coach students in writing, research, presentations, audio recording, and more.”

So if you need any help with writing be sure to make an appointment because you will get the help you need any time of the day.

Also, in regards to what a student could expect when visiting the Writing Center, they said: “The Writing Center coaches are working on several programs, ones that are both curricular and extracurricular in nature. For instance, the Writing Center coaches are teaming with biology teachers to practice responses to written answers on the upcoming Keystone exams.  We welcome students to one-on-one conferences where we discuss an aspect or two of a student’s writing whether it’s in draft, composition, or revision stages.”

They also mentioned that they will also be willing to offer extra-curricular help.

Also, to remind teachers, the writing coaches will be able to provide help for the class as a whole as some already know. They have been able to show students how to use their Google accounts in a better and more organized way that is sure to affect your student’s performance.

So when coming to the Writing Center, be sure to expect more of a traditional and modernized place to write.