We all know that the student government here at BPHS works extremely hard to make our school a better place, and this year they were awarded for their excellence.
NASC (National Association of Student Councils) awarded SGA with the Gold award. To recieve this award, SGA had to create a portfolio of all the events and accomplishments of the year.
Things that were included in this portfolio include the BPHS student government constitution, a 250 word essay on events we have planned, a letter of recommendation from the one and only Dr. J, and a lot of additional material that qualified SGA for the Gold award as opposed to the Silver award.
After interviewing Sarah Fullerton, class president, I found out that not many other schools have won this award. Jim Finnemeyer, president of PASC (Pennsylvania Association of Student Councils), sent Mr. Galietta a letter saying that our council had the qualifications to win this award.
Everyone in Student Government had a hand in achieving this award, either by putting together a part of the portfolio or taking part in the events planned during this year. Congratulations to everyone involved.