Wrong contestant crowned at Miss Universe

Kara Brunner, Staff Writer

Steve Harvey, host of the 2015 Miss Universe pageant wrongfully crowned Miss Columbia of being the new Miss Universe.

Miss Colombia was actually first runner up and Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, Miss Philippines won Miss Universe.

“Ok folks…I have to apologize” he told the audience. “Let me just take control of this. This is exactly what’s on the card. I will take responsibility for this. It was my mistake. It was on the card.”

Moments before he had announced Ariadna Guttirrez, Miss Colombia, the winner. She was overjoyed, waving a Colombian flag and blowing kisses.

When Harvey returned to the stage, Wurtzbach was shocked. She walked to the front of the stage and the crown was taken from Miss Colombia and put on her.

Harvey later made a public apology on Twitter and made yet another mistake misspelling both “Colombia” and “Philippines.”  That tweet was later deleted.