Terror Attacks in Paris Leave 130 dead and 350 injured

Joanna White, Staff Writer

On Friday, Nov. 13, Collective terror attacks, suicide bombings, and mass shootings struck Paris.

The attacks began at 9:20 p.m. CET; the first bomb detonated outside of the entrance of Le Stade de France. This bomb, as stated in a DeadSpin report, was intended for Gate D but never reached its destination. The suicide bomber was intercepted by security guards, and in an attempt to get away the man detonated his bomb. Two people died in this explosion, the suicide bomber and another unknown person. Several security guards were injured during their pursuit.

At 9:25, two of central Paris’ restaurants were attacked by two armed attackers who drove to the scene in black vehicles. CNN reports that 15 people were killed between the two restaurants, Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge. Ten more people were injured. 100 shells would be found at the scene.

Then, at 9:30, barely five minutes after the beginning of mass shootings, the second bomb was detonated in Gate D at Le Stade de France. The France-Germany Soccer Friendly continued as citizens and players were to be kept in the Stadium until further they received further notice.

Two minutes later, another bar in the 11th District on the corners of La Fontaine au Roi and La Faubourg du Temple, A La Bonne Biere, was targeted. Five people were murdered, and eight other people were left wounded. 100 more shells would be found at the this restaurant as well.

At 9:36, another black vehicle arrived at the restaurant, La Belle Equipe, where nineteen people were brutally murdered and nine more severely injured.

Four minutes later, at 9:40 p.m., a third bomb was detonated, this one in 11th district, right outside of the cafe Comptoir Voltaire. There were Several people injured; however, only one person was severely injured.

At the same time as the 9:40 p.m. bombings, La Bataclan, which was in the midst of an Eagles of Death Metal concert, was seized by three terrorists who later took those in attendance hostage. The band was not in that group; they were escorted out of the building once bullets were fired. 89 people were killed, and several others were injured. All of concert attendees unable to get away were herded before the stage and slaughtered. Others, attempted to lay down and play dead. Though, many were shot execution style while being sprawled out on the floor, a report from CNN states.

“It was a blood bath,” radio reporter Julien Pearce stated to CNN.

Those who did get away hid everywhere and anywhere they could, trying to stay quiet, as those unable to get away were slaughtered just a floor below them.

At 11:55 pm, the police raided the Bataclan Concert hall. In the police’s pursuit, all three terrorists were killed. One died from being shot and the other two committed suicide.

At this same time, President François Hollande called for a state of emergency. The country’s borders were closed, and a curfew was issued for the first time since WWII.

By Friday, Nov. 20, ISIS had reportedly confirmed they were behind the attacks and promised that this was only the beginning and further promised that France would continue to be a target in the near future.

A majority of the suspects involved either committed suicide, or died during the police raids. However, there are still many people at large. One of the suspects who died was a native born Frenchman. Another was a disguised Syrian refugee who supposedly took refuge in France recently. The ring leader Abdelhamid Abaaoud, along with his cousin Hasna Aitboulahcen, died during the raids that took place on Wednesday, Nov. 18 in the small town of Saint Denis.

As of late, life has begun to move forward in France as citizens try to rebuild and regroup. Hollande has stated that France will not be conquered by these attacks, and if it’s a war they wanted, then France would respond in similar fashion.

In response to these recent attacks, the world has backed up France. Throughout the world, monuments and buildings alike are lit with the colors of France. On Facebook, many people are showing their support by changing their profile pictures in support of France as well. This is a sign to the people of France that they are not alone in this time of darkness.