Missouri University protests lead to president’s resignation
November 17, 2015
On Monday, Nov. 9, Tim Wolfe, The Missouri University System President, stepped down due to the promptings of students and staff over the issue of harassment of various minority groups.
In recent years, students students of color attending Missouri University have been the victims of multiple racial acts and slurs. The closest one to date being the cruel prank pulled on the African American Students where two white students scattered cotton balls outside of the campus Black Culture Center in 2010.
Nothing was done to diffuse the situation, which only festered over the last five years until finally boiling over this September when Student Body President Payton Head went to Facebook, explaining his trials, tribulations and frustrations caused at the hands of fellow students due their antagonistic views of the LGBT community.
On September 17, Missouri Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin spoke out calling the recent incidents “totally unacceptable.” But, once again, not much was really done.
In response, the students protested, stating that nothing is being done to calm the concerns of their Student Body President. And by October 1, two protests had already been held, each trying to show students and staff that “Racism Lives” in Missouri University.
Not a week later, various incidents would take place at Missouri University. In response, Loftin made the statement, “racism is clearly alive at Mizzou.” He goes further and says that what the students and staff of Mizzou are not doing enough to make their fellow students and staff feel welcome and that something must be done.
From October 4th and onward, more and more students and staff members would stand up to protest for awareness of the discrimination taking place at Missouri University.
During one of said protests, President Wolfe found his car surrounded by protesters, demanding to be heard. In response, the President laughed. This enraged the students, as many saw this as the President not taking the issue seriously. Soon, a group of students called the Concerned Student 1950, issued a list of requests. One them issuing for the resignation of President Wolf for a more aware President on the issues of discrimination and equality.
Afterwards, numerous students began to protest as multiple of racist symbols and acts of vandalism began to show up all over the school. On one occasion, a Nazi swastika was drawn in feces on one of the walls of the residence halls.
Numerous attempts were made to bring about peace between the school board and the students, but peace could not be reached. Either Wolfe stepped down, or the students would continue to strike.
On November 3, college student Jonathan Butler boycotted the University and formed a hunger strike, which soon found support as the week progressed. And on November 8, the entirety of the Missouri University football players refused to play until Wolfe resigned.
All of these events would finally lead to Wolfe and Loftin’s resignations, which many students see as a victory.