Student of the Week: Ty Miller
February 3, 2016
Grade: 10
Age: 15
Twitter: @ty_miller711
Do you play any sports?: Cross country and track
Are you in any clubs?: I guess PACS. Is Hawk Eye a club?
Favorite class?: Hmm. History. Pretty easy.
Favorite teacher?: Probably Mr. Allemang
Do you have any siblings?: I do! 2 sisters!
Favorite TV show?: Probably SportsCenter plain and simple
Favorite movie?: Miracle
Favorite book?: Unbroken
Favorite musician?: Lecrae
Celebrity crush?: North West. Just kidding, she’s like 2.
When’s the last time you cried?: Probably last week. I don’t think I cried yesterday.
Favorite member of Big Time Rush?: Carlos
Define your style in three words: Relaxed, sporty, sensitive
Favorite quote?: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dream job?: Anchor at ESPN
If you could eat dinner with one person dead or alive who would it be?: John Wooden
Finish the sentence: “Life is good when you’re…”: Happy
What’s your spirit animal?: Ms. Totty or a penguin
If you could have one super power what would it be?: Super speed