Student of the Week: David Erzen

Haley Radcliffe, Staff Writer

Grade: 12

Age: 17

Twitter: @drobertoe

Do you play any sports?: Cross country and track

Are you in any clubs?: Ya

Favorite class?: AP Java

Favorite teacher?: Too many to pick from

Do you have any siblings?: 1 sister, Brenna

Favorite TV show?: Scandal 

Favorite movie?: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Favorite book?: I would have to say Huck Finn!

Favorite musician?: Joe Serafini

Celebrity Crush?: Kerry Washington

When’s the last time you cried?: PASS

Favorite member of Big Time Rush?: Kendall

Define your style in three words: Fun, easy, quick

Favorite quote?: “Today is going to be a great day!”

Dream job?: Algebra teacher

If you could eat dinner with one person dead or alive who would it be?: Abe Lincoln

Finish the sentence: “Life is good when you’re…” Living it

What’s your spirit animal?: Golden retriever

If you could have one super power what would it be?: The power to slow down time