Study tips for final exams

Rachel Craven, Staff Writer

The final exams start on June 5. Have you studied? If not, no problem. Here are some quick tips to help you prepare to pass your exams:

  1. Get Some Sleep– One of those tips you hear for every type of test. Get eight or more hours of sleep or more, you’ll be told. However, you should sleep two hours less than you would if you wake up naturally to get a good night’s sleep. This will help boost your memory and creativity.
  2. Maintain Healthy Diet– Another cliche tip, but a useful one nonetheless. Not eating breakfast will lower your blood sugar and getting enough water will help keep you hydrated. If you’re dehydrated and have low blood sugar, you’ll physically shake a bit if you’re not used to it and your brain can become fogging and prevent memory.
  3. Go Over Notes– Read a small portion of each section from your notes to see what you remember and what you don’t. If you find a section and you don’t remember learning about it, read your notes on the entire section and look over any other resources you have for that section to make a study guide. You can read over the study guide and carry it in school to prepare up to the last moment.
  4. Read Before Bed– Reading your notes and study guides right before you fall asleep the day before your exam will boost your memory on the topic.
  5. Sequential Order– The order of the exams has been posted in many classrooms around BPHS, making it easily accessible. Study your notes in the order of the exams you have, only reading the notes on the next day’s exams the night before to prevent a cluttered mind.