Student of the Week: Molly McDowell

Bridget Heh, Staff Writer

Age: 18

Twitter: _mollyreed_

Do you play any sports?: nah

Are you in any clubs?: No, but I want to be in Drama Club

Favorite class?: World Literature with Mr. Herd

Favorite teacher?: Mr. Johns, even though I’ve never had him

Do you have any siblings?: I have a half brother. He’s half of a person. Wild.

Favorite TV show?: The Vampire Diaries

Favorite movie?: Cruel Intentions

Favorite book?: Milk and Honey

Celebrity Crush?: Jack Gilinsky

When’s the last time you cried?: Probably a week ago

Favorite member of Big Time Rush?: Kendall

Define your style in three words: Whatever I’m feeling

Favorite quote?: “Be your own best friend, buy yourself a gift today”- My aunt’s refrigerator magnet

Dream job?: Actress

If you could eat brunch with one person dead or alive, who would it be?: Selena Gomez

Finish the sentence: Life is good when you: have no cares

What’s your spirit animal?: Who* Joanne the Scammer

If you could have one superpower what would it be?: all of them(;