‘Shrek The Musical’: Beneath the stage with a keyboardist
Keyboardist Tyler Smith describes life in the pit orchestra.
As we all know, BPHS will present Shrek The Musical from March 15-18 in the high school auditorium. However, apart from the famed cast is an essential group of musicians, known as the pit orchestra. Although it is hidden in the darkest chasm of the auditorium, the orchestra brings life to the performances through its music.
Conducted by music teacher Mr. Derby, the orchestra consists of 24 musicians.
Keyboardist Tyler Smith has been playing piano since the 5th grade and this is his first year as a member of the pit orchestra, or any ensemble in general.
Tyler was gracious to sit down and answer a few questions.
Why did you choose to try out for pit orchestra?: I had never done anything like it before and figured it might be fun to try it out.
How long and how often do you practice?: Now it’s almost every day and for about three hours in the auditorium.
Describe the atmosphere of a practice: We definitely take it pretty seriously but it’s pretty laid back for us in the pit. I imagine it’s more stressful for the cast.
What is your favorite song to play?: I would probably say “Forever,” which is the song with the dragon, because it’s my most involved and has been the most challenging to get down.
What is the biggest challenge so far?: Really it’s just been learning all the music because of how much there is.
What are your expectations for the show?: I think it’ll be a pretty fun show and everyone should come out to see it at least one of the nights.
Are you nervous to play in the musical?: I was at first but now I think I’m pretty prepared and pretty excited.
How would describe most of the music in the musical?: This musical has a pretty diverse range of songs but I would categorize most of them as being pretty fun and upbeat.
There you have it. Be sure you come to the musical and keep an ear out for the enchanting sounds of Tyler’s keyboard and the pit orchestra.

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