BPHS shares holiday traditions
December 6, 2016
The holidays are fast approaching and with that in mind, people start to think about their own holiday traditions.
When asked, Mr. Allemang said, “I don’t know if I have any traditions.” But with further persuasion, he told us, “Now that I’m married and have kids, we’re starting our own traditions. Christmas morning, both mine and my wife’s parents come over to watch the kids open presents, and then we eat cinnamon rolls and a delicious breakfast casserole that my wife, Dana, makes every year.”
But that’s not the only tradition that was given, for instance, Sarah Lang told us her tradition as well. “I go to my aunt’s on Christmas Eve with my extended family and someone dresses as Santa, then we do a gift exchange and have dinner.”
Katherine Pandolfo even gave us some insight on her family’s age-old, special tradition. “We have a Polish tradition that my family has done since my grandmother was little. My whole family comes over on Christmas Eve and we make pierogies and mushroom soup. We all sing carols together, and we end the night with Skyping my family that can’t be with us because they’re out of town.
Everyone has different traditions, and we’re curious about yours. What are your holiday traditions? Comment in the comment section below to share!