Makeup, special effects scare at haunted courtyard
The haunted courtyard is currently in full swing, and many students are working hard to keep the spooks going.
Senior Alexa Danielson provides the makeup for the actors in the haunted courtyard. She creates the burns, scars and slits.
Alexa said that she likes helping with the effects for the haunted courtyard.
In response to the question How scary is the haunted courtyard?, she said, “It depends on who gets scared easier or is harder to scare.”
The haunted courtyard is open on Thursday, Oct. 27 thru Sunday, Oct. 30 from 7- 11 p.m.. The cost is $5.
Come out to see Alexa’s and the other volunteers’ work.
Ellie McGregor. You may have seen her in the halls prancing around. But what you may not have known that she enjoys helping people.
When Ellie is older,...