Student of the Week: Isiah Griffith

Haley Radcliffe, Staff Writer

Grade: 10

Age: 16

Twitter: @isiah.xi

Relationship status: Taken as of Dec. 2

Do you play any sports?: Baseball

Are you in any clubs?: No

Fav class?: Math

Fav teacher?: Mr. Allemang

Any siblings?: Older brother and older sister

Fav TV show?: Sports Center

Fav Movie?: “Um idk”

Fav book?: Don’t have one

Fav musician?: “mmmm Drake”

Celebrity crush?: Selena Gomez

Last time you cried?: “A while ago”

Fav member of big time rush?: “Don’t know any of them”

Define your style in 3 words: “I. Don’t. Know.”

Fav quote: “Love is an open door.”

Dream job: Athlete

If you could eat dinner with someone dead or alive?: Brennan Edner

Finish the sentence: Life is good when you’re…”Rich”

If you could have one super power what would it be: Fly