Opinion: Will social media help you or harm your college and future goals?

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Students should be careful what they post on social media.

Isabella Kanzius, Deputy News Editor

Many people including myself use some type of social media. Social media includes Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest, Skype, etc.

When colleges go through your application for their university, they check social media for your profile and ones you are attached to. Social media can decide your admission into a college and to a career.

Colleges do not want to see you posting ignorant comments, rude posts, or anything derogatory. If they see that a person who applied to the school was being racist, sexist, or cruel on the internet, they will not want that student representing that school.

Colleges also do not want to see a future student drinking, vaping, smoking, or doing drugs on the internet. This will show their future behavior at the college.

Colleges see people as an investment, and when a person is investing in a company or an object, they want to invest in a consistent well-off one, not one that could fall apart as soon as they give money and time towards it.

Universities want their legacy to stay positive, and they do not want someone wearing their colors if they are doing ignorant posting or if they are linked to people who do. Those who one surrounds themselves with defines who one is whether they show their true side immediately or not.

You should think about every word you post online, every image, and the people you follow or get tagged to. You may think colleges do not look, but they do.