Molly’s Musings: Why clean our Chromebooks so early?
June 2, 2017
The Chromebooks have been with us since fall of 2015. They’ve helped us with homework, classwork, and curing absolute boredom. Seniors must turn them in on Tuesday, June 6 in order to have them prepared for the incoming freshmen that will be attending BPHS in the fall of 2017.
There was a 40-minute homeroom on Friday, June 2 for all students to clean their Chromebooks. So why are seniors turning them in on the following Tuesday and underclassmen even later when they’re just going to get dirty again?
The faculty can’t expect students to not use them for three or more days when some of them have no other computer to use, especially when finals are also three days away.
And why throw a bunch of Lysol wipes in a bag and distribute them to all homerooms when we can just use the Clorox/Lysol wipes in the containers? Most of the teachers have one of those on hand anyway.
Next year, instead of having students clean their Chromebooks days before they’re due, staff should have them clean them in homeroom the day they’re due. It only takes about five minutes, start to finish.