Molly’s Musings: Exercise your right to vote

Molly McDowell, Staff Writer

The sun is shining, the air is crisp, and Election day is upon us!

Yep, that’s right, you heard me. We the people get to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8 for the next President of the U.S., otherwise known on Twitter as POTUS.

The candidates in the final running are very well known, and very much disliked by a lot of people. But whether you like them or hate them, you should still exercise your right to vote. And here’s why…

Women fought for their right to vote and have equal rights. People of different races and ethnicity fought to vote as well. There are many reasons to exercise your right to vote, those being some of the main ones.

So if you’re 18 and you want your vote to count for something, get out to the polls and vote for who you think the next President of the United States should be.

The Bethel Park School District will not hold school tomorrow, so it’s the perfect chance!

Stay tuned for my post-election day update!