Molly’s Musings: the not so good thing about school selfies
September 18, 2016
It’s that time of year again! Your alarms are set five minutes apart to get those five extra minutes of sleep, but then you keep hitting snooze and end up waking up way past your set time, so you rush to get ready and throw an outfit together, but somehow still manage to look presentable. In other words, school is here again, and another summer is in the books.
So you get to school and feel pretty good, tired, but ready to take on the day and socialize with your friends. During class changes or homeroom, you take a detour to the bathroom, and you see your best friend, so you decide to take a mirror picture. You both agree it’s post-worthy and after school, it’s up on Instagram for everyone to see. You get over 100 likes and some comments from friends, and all is well in the world.
But did you know that taking a selfie or picture of yourself in the school bathroom or on the premises during the school day is actually a Level III violation and could result in suspension, expulsion, and even criminal charges, depending on severity? It’s in the Student Handbook, I promise. See Page 20: Student Owned Technology Devices Standards for Use and Page 27: Level III Violations.
But do you think that’s a little extreme? Although you have a 9/10 chance of that never happening, it’s not impossible.
Just a warning for all of you selfie lovers like me, you could get in trouble for looking good, feeling good, and documenting just how good you know you look.
Welcome back!