Molly’s Musings: Summer activities and safety

Molly McDowell, Staff Writer

Summer is fast approaching and you know what that means! Sleeping in, going to bed whenever you want, no homework, bonfires, concerts, vacations, etc.

These things are in fact amazing, but please remember to be safe when pursuing some of these activities. Some of us will be applying to colleges, taking the SAT and ACT, taking online courses, traveling, moving, hanging out with friends, doing spontaneous things, and much more. But safety is the most important thing to remember. It’s better to have a safe and fun summer than a dangerous and possibly deadly one.

There are so many cases of teenagers dying due to alcohol poisoning or texting and driving, and drunk driving. It’s a big issue! Even if you’re not doing any of these activities, some people are, and while you may be perfectly sober and focused, that does not mean others around you aren’t. So while being safe, remember to watch out for those around you. Reckless driving is a big issue as well.

Remember to spend some time with your family this summer too, because it’s not all about you and your entertainment either.

Go to concerts with your siblings, maybe take a lunch date with your mom or dad, and if you live far away from either your mother or father, go visit them! In my case, I live 11 hours away from my dad, my best friend, and my dog. I’ll be seeing them this July, so you should see yours too.

And if you have no plans this summer, get a job, babysit, make music, go to the beach, read, write, sleep, exercise, GO OUTSIDE!! But don’t stay inside all day every day watching TV or Netflix or staying on social media 24/7.

And if you’re traveling at any point this summer, be sure to be safe while doing it. Watch out for your surroundings, and don’t do anything stupid! Best wishes and a happy summer to you all.