Why is Donald Trump popular?
March 8, 2016
It’s no secret Donald Trump has been all over the media lately for the comments he’s made. He’s even been labeled a fascist by many media outlets. Even though this is going on, it leads you to wonder why he’s popular and why people still choose to support him.
CNN interviewed a group of Trump supporters, and one woman who seemed kind of disturbed, said that Trump does not lie and that’s why he’s popular, but that’s not all she said; she went on to talk about lying politicians and how she KNOWS that they are lying to her.
I completely agree about politicians lying to us and it’s sometimes obvious when they lie, but to exclude Trump from being a liar is completely asinine. So what if he says things in such a brazen manner that he makes it sound truthful?
Donald Trump’s commented on his statement about “All Muslims should banned from the US” dumbfounded me. He said, “It has nothing to do with religion,” then proceeded to say it’s for security reasons. So you’re telling me you want a major world RELIGION banned from the country and that has nothing to do with religion?
Donald Trump also claims his Muslim friends call him and tell him he’s brave, smart, doing a good thing, and other things along those lines. My question is where are these so called Muslim friends of his, and why does he talk for them? Furthermore, why would they be happy he’s barring them from entering the US?
Even Bill O’Reilly has challenged Trump on T.V., and to a lot of people this is surprising. A lot of people never thought that we’d see Fox News defending Muslims! Bill O’Reilly told Trump, “If you say no Muslims can come here from overseas, you are hurting the USA’s position against ISIS.”
“I disagree,” Trump replied. “People have to be vetted. This is about security, it’s not about religion, and we cannot allow people to come into this country who have horrible things in their minds.”
To me everything that comes out of Trumps mouth infuriates me; I don’t know if he can use his brain or not, but I don’t believe he questions what he says before he actually says it.
It leads me to believe only Trump supporters can completely explain why he’s so popular. How he manages to stay that way while he’s under the media’s eye, despite all the hogwash that pours from mouth, is beyond me and will continue to amaze and disgust me.