Molly’s Musings: Judging books, and other stuff

Molly McDowell, Staff Writer

If you’re reading this, it’s not too late to STOP BULLYING.

It is 2016, a brand new, shiny year. Let’s keep it that way, yeah? I mean sure, you’re always, always, ALWAYS going to have problems with people around you, but we don’t have to bully them, or judge them, or even talk about them until you get to know them.

The other day someone thought I said something about them, so they asked their friends if they could switch seats with said person, because they thought I was aggravating. Keep in mind I’ve never seen this kid in my life, much less heard of him, or even knew his name. So I called him out on it, and needless to say, I got my point across, only to find out that he only said that stuff because he overheard my friend tell me they didn’t like said person, and said person thought it was me who said it.

Every day, you hear a horror story about kids, teens, and even adults being cruel to their peers. It causes problems, people. There are almost 3000 suicides committed every DAY, due to bullying, depression, etc.

I used to be bullied in 2nd grade because I wanted to make the kids who made fun of me laugh, so I cut my hair. Gave myself half of a mullet, and forever my nickname was “Mullet Molly.” They even made a dang song. I got letters on the bus every day with ugly pictures drawn of me and horrible notes. My bus driver was well aware, too. She did NOTHING to prevent it, stop it, keep it from happening, anything under the sun. She just shrugged her shoulders and told me to ignore it. Do you know how hard it is to ignore an entire bus of kids yelling at you and singing a song to you about you and your family, about how ugly you are and how you should die? You can’t. She finally did something one day and the entire bus stopped after that.

My point here is, don’t bully. I went home crying every day, hating myself, in 2nd grade, because of ONE stupid mistake. And if you witness someone being bullied, try and do something about it. Be that person’s friend, tell a teacher, or someone, and make it anonymous if you’re afraid of getting confronted.

You could save someone’s life.