Molly’s Musings: Cellphones
January 7, 2016
Let’s talk about phones. We’re attached to them as if they’re life support and they’re what’s keeping us alive.
My phone very recently stopped working, and I started panicking, but then I got excited, because that means I get a new phone! Well, I was wrong. I now have to use my mom’s old phone, and you could say I cried, a lot. The good news? It’s an iPhone. The bad? It’s about 5 1/2 years old.
It’s so outdated that the latest “update” is iOS 7.1.2. I can’t even use emojis. I have to text people and when I find something funny or cute, I have to do this: *heart eye emoji,* or *crying laughing face emoji.* But after watching a short clip of Kim K. losing her earring in the sea, I felt better, and kind of woke up, because as Kourtney once said, “People are dying Kim.”
Guys, it’s true. While we’re crying over not getting the perfect phone, or losing an earring, or piece of clothing, people all around the world are dying due to disease, war, acts of terror, etc. Believe it or not, but there are people who would sacrifice a lot to be in our shoes, to have the privileges we have, and the education we get.
We complain about going to school every day, and the kind of phone we have, or if our plans fall through. We’re lucky enough to have what we have. Just keep that in mind. And although I’m most likely getting a new phone in the near future, I’m learning to be grateful that I have one at all.