Should marijuana be legalized?

Nathan Runja, Staff Writer

Lately, some states have either legalized or are considering legalizing recreational marijuana.

In the recent elections for the Governor of Pennsylvania, both candidates expressed their opinions. While Tom Corbett strongly opposed, his opponent Tom Wolf had expressed his own. Wolf said that the punishment for marijuana is too strict and should be less severe. This may be a sign showing that others in the community agree.

On the other hand, many people like myself could live without marijuana being anywhere. The reason why I choose this for myself is that it is simply no good for your body health wise. No one really argues with this. Majority agree with this just on a different level, such as Brooke Buehler, who is a freshman at BPHS.

She said, “I don’t feel too strongly about the topic but would never encourage the actual use of marijuana.”

Many others feel this way.

So why in the first place do people use recreational marijuana? To get high of course.

On top of that, whether admitted or not, celebs have an affect on the youth on some of the major decisions in life such as choosing to participate in the intake of drugs. Many artists have mentioned in their lyrics their use of marijuana.

Of course, doing drugs may sound “cooler” than other things but why not anything else. As a journalist, I recognize our freedoms and that it is important for people to express their thoughts and feelings. That being said, there are healthier alternatives than recreational marijuana.

So in effect, I know that the day may be getting closer to when recreational marijuana becomes legal but I still hope that people come to realize that there are so many healthier options than marijuana.