Album of the Week: Froot

Album: Froot

Artist: Marina and the Diamonds

Release date: March 13, 2015 (March 16, 2015 USA)

So maybe you haven’t heard of Marina, but after this album, she may leave an impression. The Welsh artist has released her third album, and the 12 tracks of indie pop has changed music for the better.

The album was originally scheduled to be released on April 3, but was bumped up due to an unfortunate leak.

As for reception, it was positive. The album obtained many 4 out of 5 stars, and received praise from many sources, such as “a cohesive pop album that doesn’t just rely on a couple of big singles” from The Guardian. 

Froot‘s tracks range anywhere from raging pop, to sweet ballads such as “Happy” and “Immortal.”

Overall, I’d easily give the album 4 out of 5 stars. And keep your ears open, Marina’s coming by Pittsburgh this spring.