Hawk Eye is the student-written, student-edited, student-managed news of Bethel Park High School, a four-year, comprehensive high school with an enrollment of 1,500 students in grades 9-12. Hawk Eye does not represent the views of Bethel Park High School, its administrators, faculty, and/or staff.
The members of the Hawk Eye staff aspire to standards of journalistic excellence and therefore aim to report the truth and write objectively about the news of the day–material of current interest or importance– and package it as a product for an audience, namely the Bethel Park High School community and the residents of Bethel Park.
In addition to news, features, and opinions, “Hawk Eye Ha Has” are dedicated to providing Hawk Eye readers with humorous articles. The articles are not based on fact and therefore are by no means considered true. Their sole purpose is to entertain.
Letters to the Editor are encouraged and welcome. All letters should be signed. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, and length. Obscene, libelous, or otherwise inappropriate letters will not be published and subject to disciplinary action.
Comments may be made directly on published articles. All comments must be phrased in a respectful and non-inflammatory manner. Any and all comments perceived to be purposefully disruptive will not be published, or will be edited to meet requirements. Obscene, libelous, or otherwise inappropriate comments will not be published. All comments must be accompanied by a first and last name and authentic email address.
Bethel Park students are welcome to submit articles for publication on Hawk Eye. Students need not be a part of the Hawk Eye staff to submit articles. All freelance writer submissions may be edited by Hawk Eye staff for style, clarity, and length. Hawk Eye reserves the right to refuse publication of any story submitted by a guest writer.
Letters to the Editor and freelance articles may be submitted to allemang.john@bphawks.org.