BPHS responds to online 2016-17 course selection

Mr. Bruce talks to juniors about Sungard and the new scheduling process.

Hawk Eye staff

Mr. Bruce talks to juniors about Sungard and the new scheduling process.

Course selection has been the same for many years: a student picks a class, and a teacher signs off on it for him or her. Now, with the addition of Chromebooks and the conversion to the new Sungard program, Bethel has taken up a new way of picking classes.

Students are required to pick and list classes that they want for the 2016-17 school year on the Sungard website. This was met with various opinions among the students.

Junior Joanna White said, “I hate it…It’s making it harder for the students…”

A freshman said, “I think that using Sungard is stupid when it’s caused so many problems, and the old systems work fine. It seems pointless. It’s like they’re asking for it to be more complicated.”

“I don’t think it’s going to work well because everyone will be on it at the same time,” said freshman Stephanie Kroll.

“It’s interesting because instead of using up paper, we can do it online…You can find the course selection guide easily,” said a sophomore.

Hopefully, students will adapt and utilize this new process, but either way, students will have to use Sungard.