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A standard Waste Management Inc. front-loading garbage truck in San Jose, California
Piles of trash bags will no longer be a side-of-the-road sight in Bethel Park starting April 1 because of the new garbage cans Bethel will be purchasing due to the new automated trash collection system that will be in use.
Not only will Bethel Park be getting new garbage cans, but we will also have a collection vehicle at the Public Works building for yard waste once a month from April to September, more frequent leaf waste clean-up days (eight times a year), and more recycling restrictions.
The recycling rules restrict residents from throwing away plastics other than type no. 1 and no. 2 plastics.
For example, residents can recycle tin cans, aluminum cans, newspaper, mixed paper, and corrugated cardboard.
These new trash rules are being put into place because it saves the municipality money.
The Council President Tim Moury said Bethel Park will save about $325,000 over the course of the five-year contract. However, the municipality will have some upfront costs to purchase the bins, which are estimated at $725,000.
Residents can get their 95-gallon trash can starting in late March. And if one is not enough, you can purchase another 95 gallons can for $55 after April 1.
If that size is too large, smaller 35-gallon containers will be available for purchase.